Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Held Hostage

If there is one story I cannot stand to hear about for one more minute, it is the three years of coverage on Brett Favre's playing status. Being a lifelong Packers fan, I understand the charisma that Favre possesses, and the infatuation fans can have with him. But a line has to be drawn for what is relevant, and what is purely unnecessary. To be frank, I don't really care to watch ten minutes of shirtless high schoolers catching passes from Number 4. I also don't really need to know if three of his buddies from the Vikings flew down to Mississippi to grovel at the feet of their quarterback, and beg him to return for next season; which brings me to my next point.

I know Ryan Longwell, Steve Hutchinson, and Jared Allen may just be taking a trip down to check on the Ol' Gunslinger's healing process, but I doubt they would take a flight from Minnesota to Mississippi for information they could have attained via text message. To me, all signs point to the Viking trio arriving in Hattiesburg and promptly showing up at Favre's house with gifts in hand, and tails tucked firmly between their legs. Now, I completely disagree with how the Vikings' front office has given Favre free reign over their franchise, but wasn't it just two weeks ago that Jared Allen was telling reporters that the Vikings would go on with or without Favre? That statement would have had a bit more impact if your stance lasted more than a month, Jared.

Jared Allen pales in comparison to head coach Brad Childress, though, because Allen, Hutchinson, and Longwell are skipping practice to visit Favre, which would most likely garner a fine from any other coach. But don't expect the trio to even receive a slap on the wrist, because Childress has been the driving force behind Favre's sychophantic behavior since Brett stepped foot in Minnesota. This is the head coach, who should be concentrating on the players who cared enough to show up for camp, instead of traveling 1,100 miles away from his team to go armadillo hunting with a forty-year-old man, who may not even be his signal-caller this upcoming season. Favre has become the NFL's version of LeBron James...or maybe the other way around. The point is that Favre retires and unretires, works out with high school players, and doesn't show up for training camp because he knows he can get away with it. If a six-year-old stays up until midnight, and his parents don't tell him/her they can't do that, then guess what? That kid is going to continue staying up until midnight.

So, wake up, Vikings. If you don't want Brett Favre to put you through all the waiting, guessing, and drama, then don't let him.


  1. Oh Jared Allen, why did you betray me? I agree with you though, the way the media drools when Brett Favre eats a new kind of muffin is irritating and pointless. As a casual sports watcher, I don't need to know the minute-to-minute details of some guys flying down. I also don't need to be reminded of the flight for the next 5 days while we wait to see what the decision will be. It is a waste of time.

    Show me more about players who are at camp and care. I want to remember their names, and forget Favre's

  2. Hey VS52, I agree with most of what you've stated with one huge exception in your comparison to Lebron James. Like Charles Barkley said...Lebron's antics are those of a punk...I think Favre could be charaterized as many of the things you described above but not a punk. Overall though, a good summation of the situation.
